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An introduction to JavaFX

Hello friends,

After a long time, i am come with a very interesting topic named JavaFX. 

Your first question may be:-
  1. What is JavaFX.
  2. What is purpose, means why we know about this.
  3. How to learn/develop JavaFX application.
No problem, we are going to cover these things step by step.

What is JavaFX :-

      If your know about java then you must aware about Java's Collection API, which provide an ease to use List, Queue, Map and a lot more. This basically deals with data management. Same as, JavaFX is an API which deals with design and development of Desktop applications as well as Rich Internet Applications(RIAs).
You may have one query 'We do this using Swing too'. Yes you do. In simple term, JavaFX is an advance version of Swing with most other powerful features.

What original document says about JavaFX -

'JavaFX is a set of graphics and media packages that enables developers to design, create, test, debug, and deploy rich client applications that operate consistently across diverse platforms.'

The first build of JavaFX was released on 4th December 2008. And last stable build was on 18th March 2014(At time of writing this post). To know more about release history of JavaFX and versions, go to this wikipedia link.

Why we know about JavaFX :- 

      JavaFX enables you to creating desktop applications with rich design in simple way. There is very easy to styling your application when you go via JavaFX for your desktop application.

What original document says about the KEY Features of JavaFX -
  • Java APIs
  • Swing inter-operability
  • FXML and Scene Builder.
  • WebView
  • Built-in UI controls and CSS
  • Canvas APIs
  • Multi-touch support and mush more.
What very best i feel in JavaFX APIs is, you can use near about all script based language and CSS as your need in your JavaFX applicationGo to this link for more details about key features of JavaFX. 

How to learn/develop JavaFX application :-

    There is a lot of resources/sites which have cover the topic of JavaFX where you can learn JavaFX basics and of-course my blog for best examples ;). I will cover some basic example which will make you a good understanding to JavaFX.

If you are familiar with Android apps development, then you will find that development of JavaFX application is same like that but in little different way.

To develop a JavaFX application, you are very much required an IDE like Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ.

I recommend you to use IntelliJ IDEA for the development of JavaFX applications. You can download a community edition of IntelliJ from this official link which is free.

I recommend you to not waste of time in learning theory/definition content of JavaFX, Just go for practice/development. You can learn things much better when you start coding about this.

According to me, there are two basic way to create a desktop application using JavaFX -
  • With pure Java coding.
  • Using FXML for design and Java for logic.
In next tutorial, I will explain a Simple Entry Form example using both this ways.

Suggestions are most welcome. Please keep reading my blog and share to your friends :)

Thanks for visiting me)


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