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Working with Google Firebase Part-1

Hello World,
I am going to start my blog by today. I am felling very glad.
So by today I am going to create an tutorial about Google Firebase. As mentioned by Google I/O- "Firebase is a mobile platform that help you to develop highly-qualified apps, earns money and many more."
Firebase is a bunch of features like Authentication, Cloud Messaging,  Real Time Database, Storage, Crash Reporting etc.
In my first page i am going to discuss with Firebase Authentication. Please follow the steps below :-
 Registering application on Firebase console
In order to use Firebase authentication first we need to create/register our project at Firebase console.
 After successful creation of your app at Firebase console, select your created application and goto firebase app console. You will see various options at left panel. Now look for a setting icon and click. You will see some options. Choose the option "Project Setting". You will see option for various plateform. Choose android and follow the steps. You will get downloaded a file called "google-services.json" save it for further uses. Now click on Auth option and you will see a list of auth modes(If first time you will see page tell you to setup sign-in mode. Just click this button).

Then choose option of Email/Password and enable it. Now you are done with Firebase application setup.

This is all about setting your app on firebase console. In next part we will go for coding part.
Please keep reading my blog and refer to friend if you find something interesting :)


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