If you have already created a hosted zone then it's very easy to register a sub-domain in Route 53. If not, please go through my post about What is Route 53 and how to create Hosted Zone in AWS . Continuing further - Login to your AWS account and go to Route 53 service Choose Hosted zones option from the left navigation menu Click on the button Create hosted zone Enter the fully qualified sub-domain name. Here is the trick, append the word before your main domain to create a sub-domain. For Example, if your domain name is test-domain.com then your sub-domain would be <subdomain-name>. test-domain.com You can add a description in the description box. This is an optional field. Choose the zone type either hosted zone you creating is accessible publically or privately. You can add some tags and the last click on Create hosted zone button. Once hosted zone is created, you will see two records created by default. One with type SOA and another one ...