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Showing posts from 2020

5 best angular chart libraries on GitHub

In this post, we are going to explore the 5 best angular charts available on GitHub in terms of their popularity. We have considered the chart's popularity based on the stars given to the repo. So let's start -  1. ngx-charts -  This chart is very popular in the developer community and it provides various types of charts -  Chart Types -  Horizontal & Vertical Bar Charts (Standard, Grouped, Stacked, Normalized) Line Area (Standard, Stacked, Normalized) Pie (Explodable, Grid, Custom legends) Bubble Donut Gauge (Linear & Radial) Heatmap Treemap Number Cards Install To use ngx-charts in your project install it via  npm : npm i @swimlane/ngx-charts --save For more information, please visit the Git repository . 2. ng2-charts -  This chart is also popular and easy to implement.  Chart Types  -  Line Chart Pie Chart Bar Chart Doughnut Chart Radar Chart Polar Area Chart Bubble Chart Scatter Chart...

RabbitMQ Setup on Windows

This tutorial will help you to Setup RabbitMQ on Windows  machine. You must have administrative privileges to install the application on your Windows machine. Before proceeding, please read two main prerequisite from the official site of the RabbitMQ - Important: T he Erlang installer  must be run using an administrative account  otherwise a registry key expected by the RabbitMQ installer will not be present. Your system should only have one version of Erlang installed. Please consult the  Windows-specific Issues  page. RabbitMQ runs on the ErLang  platform, so first we need to download and install ErLang(Also known as OTP) on the system.  Please download the required version of the ErLang/OTP from the official site  and simply install it as Admin . I have downloaded OTP version 22.3 of 64 bit windows installer file. Once ErLang install, please download the RabbitMQ from the official site and then install it with admin privileges. ...

Git: Creating new branch on local machine and pushing to remote

To create a new branch from the existing branch i.e. master branch, you need to first clone the branch/repository on your local machine. Clone a branch -  git clone <complete-repository-url> Creating new local branch -  git checkout -b <branch-name> //Creates new branch on local machine with specified name. git branch //List all the branches on local. Push/Update local branch to remote -  This step is very necessary as you have to update the local branch on remote as well. Your created branch will not be visible/updated to remote until running below command - git push origin HEAD Now you have pushed your local branch to remote. You can list all remote branches using below command - git branch -r Below two steps are optional. Set upstream to local branch -  Below command is used to set upstream to the newly created branch. If you do not set the upstream to your created branch, all the time you commits, you wi...

IIS Server | Enabling IIS Server on Windows

There are several servers available for deploying your application. In this tutorial we will look at how we can enable/activate IIS(Internet Information Services) Server on Windows machine. Note:- You must have admin permission to your machine. Please follow below steps to enable IIS Server on your Windows system - 1:- Open control panel and click on Programs and Features option. 2:- On Programs and Features window, choose Turn Windows features on or off option from left panel. 3:- On Windows Feature screen, tick the Internet Information Services   checkbox option and click OK button. 4:- Open browser and open http://localhost URL. You should be able to see the below page- That's all. IIS Server is enabled on your machine now. Hope this will help you.  Suggestions are most welcome. Keep visiting my blog :)

Tomcat SSL Configuration and HTTP to HTTPS Redirect

SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)- Apache Documentation says " Transport Layer Security (TLS) and its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), are technologies which allow web browsers and web servers to communicate over a secured connection. " This means that the data being sent is encrypted by one side, transmitted, then decrypted by the other side before processing. This is a two-way process, meaning that both the server AND the browser encrypt all traffic before sending out data. Setting Up Environment-  In-order to continue this tutorial, we required tomcat in our system. You can download install-able file (.exe or .msi in case of Windows OS) or binaries files in form of .zip or .tar.gz from  here . If you have downloaded install-able file then install it. If you have downloaded zip, then extract the compressed download file at your favorite location/path. If you have installed the file then hit http://localhost:8080 , you should be able to see web-page something like...