Hi friends, We are going to discuss about UDP Socket Programming . In previous post we discussed about the differences between TCP & UDP and the sample example of TCP Socket Programming. Below is the sample example of chat application using UDP Socket Programming . UDP Sample :- We are going to create an small example which contains two classes. UdpServer.java:- This is a server class. Means this class will serve the purpose of socket connection. DatagramSocket is the java class and serve the purpose of Server and Client both. The overloaded constructor of DatagramSocket class matters. DatagramPacket is the java class which is responsible to transmit the data/packet over the network from server to client and vice-versa. UdpClient.java:- This is client class. This serves the purpose of client which will communicate to server and send data to server and receive the data sent by server. UdpServer.java import java.net.DatagramPac...